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"Diagnostic" Paper


For this assignment, you should write about a character from a book, movie, or tv show who you believe meets diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder covered in this course (refer to the course schedule to see which categories of disorders we will cover).


In your paper, you should first explain your character's background, such as their demographic information, life circumstances (e.g., living situation), and life functioning (e.g., interpersonal problems; strengths). Then, you should briefly summarize the DSM-5 criteria of the disorder you believe the character displays, followed by a discussion of the character's portrayal that fits these diagnostic criteria. For example, if you believe the character meets criteria for PTSD, then you should explain how the trauma they experienced fits the definition of trauma provided by the DSM-5. You should also explain the evidence from the book/movie/show which shows that the character experiences at least one intrusion symptom, at least one avoidance symptom, at least two symptoms of negative alterations in cognition or mood, and at least two symptoms of alterations in arousal or reactivity. In this discussion, you should also note instances in which the character does not exhibit the full diagnostic criteria (e.g., there's only one symptom of alteration in arousal or reactivity but there should be at least two) and/or instances in which the character is portrayed in a manner which is inconsistent with the diagnostic criteria. For example, if the character with PTSD displays violent behavior, then you should note that this violence is not a diagnostic criteria of PTSD. You may notice that violence and aggression are often exaggerated in media depictions of individuals with mental disorders!


A detailed grading rubric for this paper is provided above. It explains the formatting and other important aspects of the paper, so please read it thoroughly. If you would like to write about a disorder not covered in this course, please get prior approval of the instructor.

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